Rogers Powertone Snare Drum
5 x 14
Steel Shelled Drum
1964 - 1970 |
The Rogers Powertone Snare drum was offered from 1964 to 1970. It replaced the Holiday
model. This particular drum had been sitting in an attic for almost 50 years when it was discovered by
the new home owner. It's a 5 by 14 steel shelled drum and, considering it's age, is in very fine condition.
$350.00 (free shipping in the USA)
customers, please contact for shipping rates.

Rogers Dynasonic Snare Drum

5 x 14
Wood Shell, Black Diamond Wrap
Mid 60's
The Rogers Dynasonic Snare Drum remains a desired collectible drum for many drummers. The drum is being manufactured again, but that doesn't seem to have affected the going price for these vintage beauties. Perhaps the White Marine Pearl Wrap is slightly more desirable. Nevertheless, the Black Diamond Wrap finish on this drum is simply gorgeous.
$2500.00 (free shipping in the USA)
customers, please contact for shipping rates.

Rogers Silver Sparkle Powertone Snare Drum

5 x 14
Silver Sparkle Wrap
Mid 60's
The Rogers Powertone has unjustly been considered a "weak sister" to the vaunted Rogers Dynasonic Snare Drum. It's true that the drum doesn't command the same prices as the Dynasonic. But the drum is a fine sounding instrument and a worthy part of any drummer's collection
$700.00 (free shipping in the USA)
customers, please contact for shipping rates.

Description: |
5 1/2 X 14 |
Brass lugs/Tall boy Hoops |
White Marine Pearl Wrap |
Comments: |
is an early example of a Rogers Powertone snare
drum. The drum is in excellent condition for its
age (Cleveland paper tag).
This drum has its original tall boy hoops and
brass lugs.

Wood Dynasonic Snare Drum |
Description: |
5 1/2 x 14 (stand not included) |
Wood shell/varnished interior |
Silver Sparkle |
Late 60's |
Serial # - 9847 |
Comments: |
believed that the Dynasonic was designed with
Buddy Rich in mind. It was made to be the most
sensitive snare drum on the market. But opinions
differ on this drum.
players like it, others do not. In any case, the
silver sparkle on this drum has faded due to exposure
to the elements in various clubs and bars.

White Marine Pearl Powertone Snare Drum |
Description: |
5 x 14 |
Wood shell/dark grey interior |
White Marine Pearl wrap |
Mid 60's |
Comments: |
Rogers Powertone was the work horse snare drum
for the company. It shared the clockface strainer
with the Rogers Dynasonic, but the similarity
ended there.
models, like this one, had a grey sprayed interior.
Later, the inside of the shell was changed to
a speckled grey.
drummers endorsed these drums during the day.
They compare quite nicely to present day snare

Super Ten Snare |
Description: |
5 1/2 x14 |
Chrome over steel shell |
Comments: |
drum was Roger's answer to the Ludwig Supraphonic
400 Snare Drum. This is an early model with a
low serial number, # 0736.
has the standard clock face strainer and the Rogers
script logo.

Super Ten Snare |

Description: |
5 1/2 x14 |
Chrome over steel shell |
Comments: |
Rogers Super Ten Snare Drum was the Rogers Drum
Company's answer to the Ludwig Supraphonic 400.
It has a steel shell with the clock face snare
strainer. This particular drum has a low serial
number and the standard Rogers script identifying
though this model has "fallen through the
cracks" so to speak, and largely been forgotten,
it's still a fine snare drum.

Metal Powertone Snare |

Description: |
5x14 |
Early 70's Drum |
8 Self-Aligning Lugs, 20 Strand Snappy Snares
Strainer |
Comments: |
workhorse of the Rogers Snare Drum line. Perhaps
not as popular as the wood model, nevertheless
this drum delivers the goods.
enough, this drum was offered as standard on only
some of the Rogers kits of the time.

Black Dynasonic Snare Drum |

Description: |
5x14 |
Comments: |
drummer has their favorite drum and many drummers
search for their "Holy Grail", if you
will. This could be a drum that their idols played
or a drum that they always lusted after.
me, that drum is the Rogers Wood Dynasonic snare
drum. Many famous drummers played this drum including
Buddy Rich and Louis Bellson. It was the flagship
snare drum of the Rogers drum company and the
idea behind the drum was to make the most responsive
snare drum possible.
distinctive Dynasonic snare frame allowed the
snares to sit evenly across the snare head. This
would allow the snare wires to vibrate freely
and not "choke" up.
being said, the drum is rather finicky to tune
and a number of drummers don't care for the Dyna.
As many drummers who swear by the Dynasonic, there's
a equal number who swear at it.
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