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Rogers Dynasonic Snare Drums:


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The Rogers Drum Company, like every other Drum Company in the 60's and 70's, promoted their flagship snare drum. In this case, as the reader can probably guess, that drum was the Rogers Dynasonic snare drum. Rogers wasted no time in associating the Dynasonic with the ciompany's top drum stars----- in this case, Buddy Rich, Louis Bellson, and Cozy Cole. Rogers identified 6 "bullet" points that they attributed to the Dynasonic.

The drum had pin point definition, choked free sound, perfect feel, full power, true musical sound, and the simplest adjustment. Much of this was advertising verbiage. Cetainly, a drummer determines what a drum will sound like and how musical that sound will be.


[click for larger size]

Nevertheless, the Dynasonic is a fine snare drum and there are a number of players who believe it was the most sensitive and responsive snare drum of its time. Conversely, there are a number of drummers who have no use for it.

There really seems to be no middle ground and arguments about the Dynasonic continue to this day.


If you want more information about the above product please contact jim


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